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I just dished them into cupcake holder thingys as I did not have wax paper |
250ml botter/butter
500ml suiker/sugar
125ml melk/milk
125ml kakao
750ml hawermout/oats
250ml klapper/coconut
5ml vanieljegeursel/vanilla essence
1. Meng hawermout & klapper. mix the oats and coconut
2. Plaas botter, suiker, melk & kakao in kastrol./ place butter , sugar, milk and cacao in pot
3. Kook vir 5 minute vandat dit begin kook.maar gaan na laer hitte /bring it to boil, turn off the stove, stir for further 5 minutes to dissolve the sugar
4. Verwyder van hitte & voeg hawermoutmengsel & vanielje by. / take off heat and put admixture in
5. Skep lepelsvol op waspapier en laat koud word./ dish up on waxpaper , spoonful and let it cool off
Indien te styf, kan bietjie melk bygevoeg word./if to stiff you can add small amount of milk
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